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Ragan Insider   |  {/%BYLINE%} {%AUTHOR%}Michael Sebastian{/%AUTHOR%} {%TITLE%}Satellite media tours 101: What PR pros need to know{/%TITLE%} {%ALTERNATIVEURL%}{/%ALTERNATIVEURL%} {%IMAGE%}/Uploads/Public/78434441.jpg{/%IMAGE%} {%ROLE%}87d65c27-6e78-4e5c-b423-78d47d4f2768{/%ROLE%} {%KICKER%}Media Relations{/%KICKER%} {%CATEGORIESID%}9b04de1d-f7bc-4de7-842e-c9c833ff24e9{/%CATEGORIESID%} {%CAPTION%}Not sure how SMTs can help spread your client’s message? This video will get you caught up.{/%CAPTION%} {%BODYCOPY%}For some PR pros, satellite media tours (SMTs) are part of the job. Not sure what an SMT is? Here’s a quick explanation: You’re watching the local morning talk show in Denver,, you see the hosts interviewing an expert via satellite. You hop on a plane for L.A., get to your hotel room, flip on the TV,, notice the same expert conducting a similar interview on another talk show. You’re not experiencing déjà vu. That was the result of an SMT,, behind every one of these there’s a PR pro, just off camera, coaching (and maybe consoling) the expert. Want to know more? KEF Media in Atlanta recorded this quick primer on SMTs. {/%BODYCOPY%} {%ID%}8633{/%ID%} {%DATAID%}2f80028c-5a67-4d5d-ab14-1b8f1b1a64fe{/%DATAID%} {%CanonicalUrl%}{/%CanonicalUrl%} {%PUBLISHDATE%}6/19/2011 4:48:13 AM{/%PUBLISHDATE%} {%LINK%}{/%LINK%} {%BYLINE%}Sally Falkow

Satellite media tours 101: What PR pros need to know

Not sure how SMTs can help spread your client’s message? This video will get you caught up.