6 Best Ways to Relieve Send Anxiety from PoliteMail

A common fear when sending a large broadcast or important communication is that you have not noticed a mistake. It doesn’t matter if you are sending out an email to a few hundred or a few hundred thousand people, no one wants to send out something that isn’t perfect. Of course, human error can happen in any profession, and although a mistake can feel terrible at the time, there are steps to rectify it and make sure it doesn’t happen again on your next send.

In “6 Best Ways to Relieve Send Anxiety,” PoliteMail addresses the issue of send anxiety and what internal comms professionals can do. From verifying the accuracy of your distribution lists to developing testing protocols, these best practices will ensure you can confidently send your internal emails. In this guide, you will learn:

  • Common reasons for send anxiety and what causes them.
  • Six best practices for relieving send anxiety.
  • Steps to verify the accuracy of your communication before sending it.
  • … and much more.

Download this free whitepaper today to explore the causes of send anxiety, and 6 best practices to make sure every email that goes out is optimized for maximum employee engagement.

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