10 apps to boost your photography game

PR and marketing pros create more visual content now for their clients and brands than ever before. Here’s how you can share a truly stunning shot.

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For almost all the best photos taken on smartphones, the answer is editing, using a number of photography apps. From cropping to color correcting, small tweaks can make the difference between a forgettable snapshot and a truly great photograph.

Today the process for improving a photo is incredibly easy. There is an app for almost any photo editing you want to do. With so many brand managers creating visual content in-house, it’s important to take the time and put forth the strongest possible image to draw in your audience.

Here are 10 favorite photo-editing apps, according to some of the most successful photographers on social media:

1. Snapseed

This Google-owned app has almost every tool you could want for photo editing.

With Snapseed, you can straighten, sharpen and color correct easily. The app also has filters that you can use to stylize your photos.

Snapseed is free for iOS and Android.


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