10 ridiculous and wildly inappropriate job interview questions
Our PR Daily LinkedIn group shared harrowing tales of interviews gone wrong (and weird).

Ideally, they reveal how well job candidates think on their feet and help showcase their personalities. They give the interviewer a feel for the person behind the résumé.
In some cases, however, the questions are just plain weird—and even a tad uncomfortable. Instead of throwing off the candidate, they cast the interviewer and, possibly, the company in a poor light.
We asked members of the PR Daily LinkedIn group to share the most ridiculous questions they’ve heard in job interviews. They sent us some doozies. Here are 10 of those questions, with their response (when the person shared it).
Is this an interview, or a date? (via Carolyn Slater)
Question: Did your husband marry you for your pretty blue eyes?
Response: No, for my money. [Incidentally, her eyes are green.]
What am I, a clown to you? (via CM Williams)
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