10 steps to a better PR personal brand
Who knew ‘personal branding’ in PR was such a young, mysterious, yet arcane branch of study? One PR pro lays down his imperatives for managing your image.
Many PR pros are new to the concept of a personal brand.
Before you dive in, here are a few rules. Also, how to take the first steps to perfect your personal brand:
1. Get a professional headshot
Your new professional image starts with your image. Squinching (‘ . . . narrowing the eyes by tightening your lower eyelid and letting the top eyelid drop down just a bit”), smiling and dressing sharp make you more competent, likable and influential.
2. Be discoverable online
Someone somewhere will search for you. Use your real name on the internet, Optimize your social media profiles for discovery!
3. Develop a professional purpose
What gets you out of bed in the morning? What helps you be better at what you do? A purpose means way more than drawing a paycheck. RELATED: Find out what it REALLY takes to be a best place to work at Salesforce HQ in San Francisco.
4. Learn to listen and empathize
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