10 things you need to know about the Fortune 100’s use of social media

Burson-Marsteller released its second annual study on social media at Fortune 100 companies. The results: Twitter is Mr. (or Mrs.) Popular. Continue reading.

1. Twitter is the most popular social media platform. More Fortune 100 companies are using Twitter than any other social media platform, according to the study. Seventy-seven percent of companies have accounts, up from 65 percent last year.

2. Companies are interacting more on Twitter. Last year, the Burson-Marsteller study noted that while Fortune 100 companies are using Twitter, they’re mostly broadcasting their messages. This year, the companies are engaging with stakeholders. The study found that 67 percent of Fortune 100 Twitter accounts are using the @ mention to communicate with people on the social network, and there was a substantial increase (78 percent) in the number of retweets from these accounts.

3. Fortune 100 companies have more Twitter followers. The average number of followers per account increased 241 percent.

4. More people are talking about companies on Twitter. Eight out 10 companies on the global Fortune 100 are talked about on Twitter, according to the study.

5. Facebook use increased by 13 percent. And the number of “likes” on these Facebook pages increased by 115 percent, the study said.

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