12 common PR mistakes
They happen every day, but they don’t have to. Find out what the mistakes are—and how to avoid them.

Like most marketing/PR pros, I care deeply about my clients and their business. Sometimes it’s like watching slow, self-induced Chinese water torture when I’m forced to watch them self-emolliate via bad PR mistakes.
Do you want to know the most frustrating part of it all? Most PR is based on common sense. So please, save a PR pro’s sanity and avoid the following:
1. Not having a plan
You think this sounds crazy? Well, it isn’t. In fact, it’s common. Many, many small businesses have absolutely zero PR planning. A word to the wise: It’s part and parcel of your marketing strategy. Don’t have one of them? Better get one.
2. No core value statement
To garner publicity and draw attention to your company, you need to have a statement that sets you apart. If you don’t have one, or if it’s confused and muddled, your company voice will be unheard or misunderstood.
3. No distribution of your message internally
It does you no good if you, Mr./Ms. Boss Man, have a clear idea of what makes your company special and your employees aren’t living and breathing that message. It is tantamount to having your light buried under a bushel basket. Every employee you have must be able to tell anyone who asks what your core message is.
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