12 communication basics everyone should know
Failing to adhere to these principles can have consequences on your bottom line (or that of your company or client).

Well, when you’re communicating with someone, especially if it’s electronically or by phone, you get even less slack—particularly when it’s for work. That’s when lost opportunities can have bottom-line consequences.
If you want the prospect to open your email, the client to return your call, or the journalist to read your pitch, you’ve got to communicate impeccably.
Here are some of my favorite basics:
1. Voice mail greeting
Smile when you record it. You don’t want to sound perky, just pleasant. Listen to the difference when you record the message while wearing a happy face—it might surprise you.
2. Email subject line
Never leave it blank. This rudely assumes that whatever you have to say is so important that the recipients will open it anyway. Think of the subject as a headline. Tease the main point there. A short, catchy, specific subject is sure to get a quicker response than the dreaded “following up” or “hi.”
3. Email message body
In a business-related email, leave out the emoticons, especially when the message is being sent to your superiors or more than one person.
4. All communication
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