12 incredibly useful digital tools for PR
And all but one of them are free.
Here are 12 of them:
1. Google Analytics
The standard tool for website statistics, Google Analytics is free, reliable and (mostly) easy to use. Advanced ecommerce sites can benefit from heavy-duty paid-for tools, but for PR work, Google Analytics lets you get all the key information about traffic levels and content popularity, and how people find your stories.
2. Google Insights for Search
Want to know how people’s online search habits are changing and how they vary around the world? Need to see how people’s search patterns fluctuate during the year? Or just want a fun comparison between the relative online interest in God and the Devil? Google Insights for Search is your friend, providing essential data on how search terms compare.
3. Google Keywords Tool
Turn to the Google Keywords Tool to determine the keywords to optimize your online work and the terms the public uses when searching for something. It’s another free service from Google. The data is not perfect, but is still a good starting point.
4. Namechk
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