14 PR predictions for 2008
Find out if social media will dominate PR this year, and how your job—and the media’s—will change in the new year.
1. As the presidential race goes, so goes the media and PR. Key issues in this year’s election will take over the media, says Tim O’Brien, principal of O’Brien Communications in Pittsburgh. “Hot political issues such as immigration, the environment and energy, and, of course, nationalized health care, will shape some of the races, while at the same time providing fuel to the media story-generation machine,” O’Brien says. “As Hillary Clinton is officially crowned the Democrats’ nominee, women’s issues will come to the fore in national publications and network telecasts.”
2. Talk about the passion. “More small to mid-size companies will look at bringing PR in-house to take better advantage of social media, and have the message come directly from them,” says Kathy Sacks, president of Sacks PR in Phoenix. “In other words, they think that they can do a better job of creating a true authentic community than hired outside help. Their argument: Content is king, and passion can be expressed more authentically from inside.”
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