25 inspiring email subject lines
Grabbing a consumer’s attention starts with the packaging, and digital missives are no exception. Look at these unorthodox yet compelling approaches for inspiration.

1. Don’t let your spam box come between us 2. Need an app for that? 3. Show me the writing . . . 4. 8 reasons not to read this email 5. A blatant pitch (that you should open NOW) 6. Made you look 7. Athletes use steroids . . . entrepreneurs use this 8. Did you mean to do that? 9. Life would be easy if it weren’t for other people 10. The real reason we go to conferences 11. How to really irritate your competitors 12. The one mistake people make in their careers 13. Wasn’t there a Dickens novel about this? 14. Drop everything 15. Hair gel, deodorant and your heart 16. An email about a fundraiser or petition or something 17. This time it’s war 18. The plot thins 19. Capital letters 20. About that article you wrote 21. Why your 5-year-old is more tech savvy than your CEO 22. Did you mean to “Reply all”? 23. Before you open this, promise not to get mad 24. Most of the car is fine 25. Please, please send more pie
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