3 branding lessons from Tough Mudder
Seemingly sane people around the nation flock to run the brand’s obstacle courses. Why? PR and marketing pros can learn vital insights.

“Who the hell would want to put themselves through that pain and filth?” you might ask.
Believe it or not, more than 2 million people have slogged through Mudder events since Will Dean created the company in 2010, generating $100 million in annual revenue.
Here are three branding learnings from Tough Mudder: 1. Re-invent an existing business.
There were plenty of obstacle courses and outward-bound events around before Tough Mudder, in addition to loads of sporting challenges, such as marathons. The idea was not new. Will Dean re-invented the obstacle course.
“Tough Mudder puts camaraderie over finisher rankings and is not a timed race but a team challenge,” the website says. The idea is not who finishes first, but rather pulling together to get to the end, a spirit captured in “The Mudder Pledge”:
· I understand that Tough Mudder is not a race but a challenge.
· I put teamwork and camaraderie before my course time.
· I do not whine—kids whine.
· I help my fellow mudders complete the course.
· I overcome all fears.
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