3 keys to reaching black millennials
Interested in expanding your audience? Tailor your approaches with data from a recent analysis of the habits and tendencies of an important niche—young, African-American consumers.

As a generation with plenty of buying power, millennials are immensely diverse.
When targeting a group as large and as varied as millennials, it can be tough for marketers to rely on a single approach.
For marketing pros who seek to tap into this ethnically diverse and complex audience, Nielsen’s latest report ” Young, connected and black” suggests examining one niche in particular: African-American millennials.
To foster a more productive and successful connection with these consumers, consider the following approaches:
1. Take marketing risks.
African-American millennials are 25 percent more likely than other millennials to say they’re the first in their group of friends to try new technology.
Should that dare marketers to be more adventurous with how and where they distribute their online content? Absolutely.
From Cheryl Grace, Nielsen’s senior vice president of U.S. strategic community alliances and consumer engagement:
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