3 lessons all solo PR pros must learn
Working for yourself can be liberating, but if you don’t take precautions you will be overworked and underpaid. Here are three important rules for going it alone.
Going solo is the best and worst idea you’ll ever have.
There will be days when you wonder why it took you so long to go out on your own, and days when you won’t know what in the world you were thinking. Running your own business is challenging, and it takes a commitment, courage and hustle. Sometimes, it’s enough to drive you to your breaking point.
Some will say: “Entrepreneurship just isn’t for everyone.” There might be some truth to that, as there’s a good amount of risk and responsibility solo pro’s take on. However, most of the things that make you pine for your old job are fixable—or at least within your control.
Here are three things they forgot to teach you about landing clients as a solo pro.
1. You can’t be a generalist.
Focus is key when you are trying to get clients.
Focus on who your target audience is. Focus on what the ultimate result that you provide. Focus on a single service that you provide to get them that result.
If you try to be everything to everyone, no one will notice and hire you. By trying to be everything, you actually become nothing. This is one of the fundamental principles of Marketing and business – and PR pros know it; however, it can difficult to limit yourself.
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