3 nuggets of advice from a graduating intern
If you’re gearing up to start a PR internship in the next few weeks, here are some ways to make the most of it.

My class has always been a competitive group, but during the spring of 2014 that competitive spirit really ramped up.
“How many jobs have you applied for?”
“How many interviews have you had?”
“You haven’t had an interview? Well I heard someone already had three.”
Tensions were high. Emotions were fevered. Those few months of intern applications felt like life or death. If you didn’t get a position for the summer, what did that mean for your entire future?
I’m being a little dramatic. In the end, we all got jobs and had our own unique experiences in the working world. Even so, as students, with most of us preparing to practice public relations for the first time outside of our classroom walls, it was stressful and scary.
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