3 surprising facts about social media measurement
If you’re not surprised—if this doesn’t make you ‘completely rethink’ how you use social media data—the researcher has promised to buy you a drink.
Recently, I presented new research about the adoption and use of social media in America, at Blogworld in New York. There are three facts from that study that I suspect will surprise you—and which, taken together, should cause you to completely rethink how you use social media data.
I’ll buy you a drink if they don’t.
The study, titled The Social Habit 2011 (you can download the complete study for free here), was based on a random, representative, and projectable study of 2,020 Americans ages 12 and older. It was the 19th in an ongoing series of reports we’ve issued since 1998.
First, let’s take the relative popularity and usage of Facebook and Twitter:
Now, you may or may not be surprised by this. Certainly you knew that Facebook was the 10-ton gorilla of social networks; it is, in fact, the great outlier.
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