3 tactics that can impact your marketing budget

When planning how much to spend, some tools have more hidden costs than others. Here’s how infographics, guest blogging and podcasts can shrink por balloon your spending.

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Ragan Insider Content

What should you consider when putting together your marketing budget?

That depends on the marketing tools you plan to use.

Here are three marketing tactics and, should you choose to invest in them, important questions to consider for your marketing budget:


You’ve surely seen infographics floating around the internet; as Fission defines, “An infographic is a powerful tool that combines statistics and data into beautiful, humorous, or easily digestible images that you can easily post to various platforms to ensure the information you want to instill in readers is getting across as intended.”

Research shows consumers respond well to infographics:

If you decide to create and share infographics as part of your strategy, consider these points when finding room in your marketing budget.

1. Where will you get the data?

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