30 jobs in the PR and marketing world
Most great careers start with a well-received interview. To ace your next sit-down, hone your promotional skills. Here’s a list of available communications positions to motivate you.

Many PR and media relations pros have scripted copy, but that doesn’t mean they should memorize recitations for interviews.
Pros often work to “humanize” their organization’s content, and according to Human Workplace founder Liz Ryan, they should be doing the same when preparing for an interview.
From Ryan via LinkedIn:
[Communicators] know how to talk to people, how to be casual and friendly, how to tell jokes and how to be human. The problem is that lots of other people—including people in management positions—are stuck in an outdated mindset. They think that at work, we have to be stiff and formal.
Although it’s preferable in many interview scenarios—especially in an agency setting—to look and sound professional, Ryan advises showing your personality. For some, that means telling a work-appropriate joke. For others, it could mean talking about a hobby or sharing an anecdote from a recent travel experience.
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