30 words you should only use when playing Scrabble
The popular word game is the only place where longer words should be used in place of short ones that get the same point across.

A few weeks ago, I watched a 30-minute video conference and the word “utilize” was said more than 100 times. I wanted to tear my hair out.
“Utilize” is one of those lazy corporate words that people use because they think it makes them sound more knowledgeable, professional, or formal. They don’t understand the value of using simple words in place of complex ones.
“Utilize” and “use” have similar meanings and there is rarely an occasion to use “utilize” instead of “use.” I’ve even heard it said that the only time it’s acceptable to use “utilize” instead of “use” is when you’re playing Scrabble.
So in the spirit of using simple words instead of complex words, here are 30 words that you should only use when playing scrabble. (Of course, some of these have more than 7 letters, but you get the idea.)
1. amalgamate
2. ambulate
3. ballpark
4. bifurcate
5. cognizant
6. conundrum
7. dearth
8. deleterious
9. dialogue
10. diaphanous
11. efficacious
12. elucidate
13. enervate
14. facile
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