4 DIY ways to score more media coverage
Brands are shunning traditional media in favor of social media to reach audiences—but they could be doing more. Here are some ideas.

That skill is still relevant, but with tools like blogs, smartphones, online video, and photo-sharing tools, brands no longer need only the media to cover their events.
They can do it themselves.
Here are four ways brands cover their own events—and four ways they could do it more effectively:
What most do: Write a blog recap of the event using one or two key photos.
What they should should do: Write a blog recap of the event using almost every photo possible.
Most event summaries I’ve seen involve text only—which works fine. They usually include a photo or two. Great. But a better solution might be to summarize the event through photos. Lots of them.
Photos will tell your story better than words. Start with one or two short paragraphs summarizing the event, and then let the photos do the talking after that.
What most do: Take photos at the event and share on the organization’s Flickr page.
What you should do: Take photos at the event and share them live via Instagram.
There’s nothing wrong with taking photos at your event and sticking them on your Flickr page—except that Flickr has become a dumping ground for just such photos.
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