4 media relations tips for B2B communicators
Pitching journalists for a business-to-business company requires nuance. Here’s some advice to achieve it.
For anyone looking to make the switch from business-to-consumer to business-to-business, here are a few tips to note. These rules may apply to media outreach for any type of company, but they’re especially relevant for B2B folks:
1. Despite what the C-suite tells you, not everything the company does is the most innovative—nor most interesting—thing in the world, which means you might need to work harder to find relevant angles for journalists ahead of time. This is paramount at any level of public relations, but it’s especially true in the B2B sector, where your target audience is smaller.
2. Messaging is essential. Remember that elevator pitch you created a while back? Read it, remember it, and refer to it when working with journalists who are unfamiliar with the company.
3. Avoid jargon. The business may be focused on a particular niche, but that doesn’t mean your use of language should reflect an executive board meeting. Put your company, product, or service in simple terms; otherwise, the journalist might move on to find someone else who does.
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