4 steps to quell an online crisis
Online firestorms can form at a moment’s notice, and PR pros need to react quickly. Here’s how you can do so successfully.
Brand managers that are prepared with a proper plan and are ready for the storm before it arrives can come out of crisis situation without losing the reputation of the company or client
Here are a few tips to get everyone prepared and ready to go for a crisis when it strikes:
1. Put a team in place with clear roles and responsibilities.
This could be members from your communications, investor relations or human resources departments, along with senior management and legal counsel.
It’s important to assign roles and tasks before a crisis hits so that information can be dispersed quickly. Establishing roles ensures your team won’t do or say something that will only cause a bigger reputation nightmare.
2. Have a response procedure in place.
Every situation is different, but having general guidelines helps alleviate bottlenecks and makes your messaging more efficient and quicker to get to the public.
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