4 things PR pros should always say to reporters
‘I’m dropping everything else,’ is music to a journalist’s ear. So are three other statements.
Journalists can call or email when you’re least expecting it and may need their information ASAP. It always seems like the most important calls come when you’re already drowning in other work.
Drowning or not, when you pick up that phone it’s important to remember that every piece of communication from a reporter is an opportunity. If you want success, don’t let your stress come across over the phone.
We’ve covered what PR pros should never say to a journalist. So here’s what you should always remember to say:
1. “I’ll start on this immediately.” In PR, we know that timing is everything. For a reporter, it’s almost as if the day is moving in fast forward. Reporters operate with constant urgency and efficiency, and you should, too, if you want any chance at developing a positive working relationship with that person.
If you can swing it, drop everything and start on the reporter’s request immediately. Never leave something urgent until tomorrow, even if it is the end of your day.
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