5 awful stereotypes about social media managers
It’s not just playing on Facebook and Twitter, and you can’t simply toss an intern into the role. Here’s a look at some common misperceptions.

Today, businesses of every size are realizing the importance of having qualified, capable, full-time staffers engaging and elevating their social media presence. However, because this role is still relatively new, some people think the job is best suited for a young intern or their own tech-savvy granddaughter.
Let me tell you from experience, social media is a tough gig. It’s a vital role that’s demanding, constantly changing, and subject to many misconceptions.
Let’s discuss some of those misconceptions, shall we?
1. It can be done by anyone.
There’s a specific skill set and a dramatic learning curve. Techniques are crucial when it comes to managing your online reputation, and, to be frank, not everyone has a knack for communicating your messaging appropriately.
The social media manager is responding to customer service questions, setting the tone and personality for your brand, and curating content that will resonate with your followers. If the person you hired is not immersed in the industry you’re targeting, chances are you’re going to get a whole lot of inspirational quotes and Internet memes instead of meaningful content.
2. All we do is “play” on social media all day.
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