5 reasons reporters aren’t using you as a source
So you’re not getting the ink you think your company or client deserves. Here are simple ways to remedy that problem.
You’re not alone.
The good news is that reporters always need sources. That’s why sites such as Help A Reporter Out (HARO) exist. The bad news is that they’re not turning to you when they need a source. Here’s why:
1. You haven’t introduced yourself.
Step 1: Let reporters in your industry know who you are and what you do. Be clear that you’re available whenever they need a source. This might sound simple, but doing this little thing can land you regular news coverage.
2. You’re not available for an interview.
In a lot of cases, you might only get one chance to become a reporter’s go-to source. If a reporter tries to setup an interview with you and you can’t make it happen, he or she will move on to someone else in your industry and you may never hear from that person again. Do whatever it takes to make an interview happen when a reporter contacts you, even if it’s inconvenient for you.
3. You don’t have an email list.
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