5 simple guidelines for pitching mom bloggers
Ignore these influential bloggers at your own peril.

It’s safe to assume that some (perhaps many) of the blogs that are frequented daily are written by “mom bloggers.” That means that now is not the time for PR professionals to ignore these savvy writers. Following five simple guidelines can help your PR programs make a splash in the mom blogosphere:
1. Tailor your pitch to your mom blogger target.
Like you research any media target, get to know the blogs before you reach out. And this doesn’t mean skimming the homepage; it entails reading through their posts to learn which topics they write about. The last thing you want to do is alienate your target—who is also a consumer—by pitching to them something they will not use, or worse, cover in a negative light.
2. Align with mom’s family calendar.
It isn’t enough for your pitch to just be about Halloween, you need to take into account when moms are thinking about Halloween. For many households, it’s all about beating the holiday clock, and planning is essential for successful child-friendly holidays. Fun and seasonal craft and food ideas require forethought and planning to keep kids happy and busy during this hectic time of year.
3. Don’t underestimate a small blog.
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