5 ways good timing earns more media coverage

In an ever-changing news cycle, the only way to break through is to use the right pitch at the right time. Consider these insights when planning to contact reporters.

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When playing the stock market, they say timing is everything.

In pitching stories to the media, timing is just part of the equation.

Start with a solid pitch that adds value and is not overtly self-promotional. Then, craft an engaging subject line in order to stand out among the hundreds of emails editors and reporters receive weekly.

Once the text of your media pitch is finalized (with a little leeway for some customization) you

have to decide when is the optimal time to send it.

Here are five guidelines to inform your efforts:

1. Know the publication/news cycle of the outlet.

Long-lead publications like lifestyle magazines are already working on content for six months to a year out from publication and won’t likely respond to a pitch about an event or news story happening right now. Conversely, many news websites update multiple times a day and might be interested in pitches that relate to extremely topical events.

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