5 ways to keep legal away from your corporate blog
You don’t want naysayers on your back when you’re trying to publish a blog post. Here’s what to do.
PR and marketing pros try to push the envelope every day, while legal and compliance push back. Their aims are true; they just want to keep you and the company out of trouble.
Yet legal and compliance can feel like impediments to progress. I’ve thought about this, and so have you: “How can I promote this company if you won’t let me say anything?”
As you step into social media, you begin to feel this pressure even more. I’ve met a lot of people who gave up on social media marketing before getting started, simply because they figured legal and compliance would never give them the green light.
Though it’s always easy to blame the legal folks—it almost feels like a job requirement for a marketer—the reality is that we are at fault. Any new communications initiative should involve frank discussions with legal and compliance up front.
Rather than lament risk management constraints, we should factor them into our marketing and communications plans. Doing so will keep legal and compliance off your back later—and make it easier to get your corporate blog or social media marketing initiative off the ground.
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