5 worst video media disasters this past month
They say March goes in like a lion and come out like a lamb, but we’d say these gaffes reached jackass status.
That over-heated alliteration can mean only one thing: It’s time for the five worst video media disasters of March!
Here are the month’s top five media disasters, in descending order:
5. Gen. David Petraeus’s bombing joke. In a scene reminiscent of Ronald Reagan’s controversial live-mic quip about bombing the Russians (starting in five minutes), Gen. David Petraeus greeted U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates to Afghanistan last month with a joke of his own.
Petraeus asked, “Flying a little bigger plane than normal—you gonna launch some attacks on Libya or something?” “Yeah, exactly,” Gates responded, as both men laughed. Little did they realize that a news microphone was listening in.
The quip was cringe-worthy at the time, but it turned out to be prophetic. The U.S. joined attacks on Libya just two weeks later.
4. Newt Gingrich explains his divorces. You have to give likely 2012 GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich credit. He knew he’d have to explain to socially conservative voters why he cheated on and left his two ailing wives.
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