6 ways PR pros are like salespeople
From prospect lists to an array of pitches, the disciplines have significant overlap.
For years I’ve thought that sales should be a higher-profile topic at colleges and universities as the bulk of graduates will try to secure the interest of—and the associated commitment related to—something at some time in their career. Some professionals will sell daily; others only occasionally will have to close a deal. Most professionals, sometime or another, must sell.
That’s true in spades for PR pros.
Here are six ways that PR pros are like salespeople:
First, in most cases a PR initiative begins with basic information and a general intent to bring a product, service, or even an idea to market, and PR people work to craft a pitch that will resonate with the reporters, editors, bloggers, and others who will communicate directly with the targeted audience. In identifying business objectives, PR and communications professionals need to take the content available at the onset of the project and craft what is, in essence, a sales pitch that will yield results—and that process is hugely important.
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