7 signs your PR efforts need a reboot
Does it feel like you’ve hit a rut? Are things a tad stale in your office or PR department? Check these signs—if they apply to you, it might be time to freshen things up.
Yet, we, too, can fall into routine, and even the best-conceived plan can become outdated or stale over time. Here are seven signs that your PR plan might need a reboot:
You’re relying on press releases. They still have their place, of course, but they shouldn’t be a crutch. Outreach to important constituents, including journalists, should go far beyond “broadcast news.” Of note, the rise of digital and social media and electronic news distribution has placed a higher premium on personal relationships and handcrafted outreach.
Your PR is a one-way street. Some blast out press releases. Others, even large, sophisticated brands, use social media channels as broadcast platforms (hence the term from above “broadcast news”). Wrong. These tactics will limit your return on investment and may even turn off your target audiences. Digital and social channels should invite feedback.
You’re unprepared for feedback. Inviting a social response means you’re prepared to engage, respond, and handle comments that can at times be critical or difficult. Knowing the social media protocol is half the battle, but being ready to respond in public about sensitive business issues is also important.
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