7 steps to better time management on social media
Don’t get frustrated with all of the time you spend on social media—get organized. Here’s how to do it.
The key to limiting your frustration is organization. Below are seven ways that you can better organize your social media efforts.
1. Develop a strategy/routine. Take the morning to review all of the social media posts that occurred the previous night. We are creatures of habit. Do your best to create a strategy or routine and repeat it so that it becomes habitual and as natural as making coffee before you check your email.
2. Redistribute content, carefully. No one is expected to use 100 percent original content when posting to social media accounts. When you redistribute content, however, use caution. If you have the same people following several accounts you manage, or subscribing to the same content feeds, you could annoy them by overloading them with duplicative content.
3. Don’t waste time. In the social media world, there is no time to waste. Do your best to track successes and failures, what’s hot and what’s not, and trending topics. Know your audience and know what triggers them to engage.
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