7 ways for PR pros to be less selfish
In an industry where pleasing the client is key, do yourself a favor and be a little less me-me-me. Here are some tips for doing just that.
• I can’t do this today.
• I don’t have time for this.
• I just did X at work.
• I think that it should be done this way.
• I’m the best at this.
Have you ever sat with a communications person outside of work? Some communicators are terrible at just talking to another person. Many can’t convey their thoughts, turning it to themselves and coming across as pompous.
The professionals that put others first are those doing well in and out of the office. They know how to network. They know how to balance work and personal life. They know that for every time they say “I” there are two times they should be saying “you” or “we.”
How can we as an industry work to improve the mentality?
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