A four-step antidote for declining Facebook reach
A marketer’s survival guide to ongoing changes with the world’s largest social media platform.
• Promoting the right content: Put ad spending behind the content that can boost your bottom line, such as product listings, promotions, and coupons. • Posting about your coupons and sales: Everyone loves a great deal, and coupons and sales drive sharing and commenting. • Testing a variety of types of Facebook content: Monitor the differing engagement levels of status updates, photos, videos, and links. • Avoiding calls to action: Facebook considers taglines such as “Like this page,” or “Share us with your friends!” part of a tactic called “like-baiting,” and it could penalize your post. • Sharing links: Facebook itself stated that links would receive preferential treatment within news feeds. Even better, links that are commented on are “story bumped,” or reintroduced into the news feed at a later time. • Analyzing the days and times when you receive the most traction: Change your posting habits according to these measurements. Use Facebook’s analytics to find “when your friends are online.” • Using geo-targeting for posts relevant to a specific region: This will help you reach a more targeted, engaged audience. • Interacting with Facebook users: Asking questions in your posts and responding to comments is a simple tactic that many brands ignore.
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