Another round of ridiculous words added to dictionary

For better or for worse, the Oxford Dictionaries Online now contains hashtags and abbreviations, such as ‘boyf’ (short for boyfriend).

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Deets: Details
Boyf: Boyfriend
Retcon: Retroactive continuity
4G: Fourth generation
LTE: Long term evolution

If that’s not enough, they’re also adding popular hashtags, such s #FirstWorldProblem. As in, “I don’t know where I’m going to keep all my Thanksgiving leftovers. #FirstWorldProblems.”

Here are a few other (slightly more palatable) additions (via

dance-off (n.): a competition, or a round in a competition, in which a number of dancers compete against each other until a winner is declared

Godwin’s law (n.): the theory that as an online discussion progresses, it becomes inevitable that someone or something will eventually be compared to Adolf Hitler or the Nazis, regardless of the original topic

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