Apologies fly over use of the R-word and tasteless ‘joke’ about Trig Palin
Lady Gaga says she’s sorry for using the word ‘retard,’ while the political blog Wonkette issues a mea culpa for a post that made fun of Sarah Palin’s son, who has Down syndrome.
That’s when this website published a post about the widespread abuse of the word “retard,” and one group’s campaign to make it stop.
Gaga, whose lyrics (I’m told, ahem) tend to promote equality, while urging people to be proud of who they are, dropped the R-word in an interview with NME magazine when asked why her song “Born This Way” sounds so darn much like Madonna’s “Express Yourself.” (For the record, even Madonna seems to think so.)
Gaga’s version of contrition as told to CNN:
“I consider it part of my life’s work and music to push the boundaries of love and acceptance. My apologies for not speaking thoughtfully. To anyone that was hurt, please know that it was furiously unintentional. An honest mistake, requires honesty to make. Whether life’s disabilities, left you outcast bullied or teased, rejoice and love yourself today.”
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