Interactive Storytelling

Interactive campaign puts pressure on Oklahoma lawmakers

Paid, earned, shared and owned media reached nearly 1 million people.

makeOKbetter- Logo

Candor’s “makeOKbetter” initiative had a simple goal: Get the Oklahoma state legislature to reverse its plan to cut 25 percent from the state Medicare budget. The PR and business consulting firm succeeded—and also won first place in the “Interactive Storytelling” category of PR Daily’s 2016 Content Marketing Awards.

Candor’s client, the Oklahoma Hospital Association, wanted to make sure Oklahomans understood the stakes—and to pressure the legislature to ensure that health care was adequately funded. Candor employed a three-phase approach: educate and inform; an emotional appeal; and a call to action. 

The campaign adopted the PESO model—paid, earned, social, and owned media. It was anchored by a dedicated website that delivered pertinent information and encouraged visitors to sign up for email updates, contact their local representatives, and join the movement. The site also housed videos.

But it did not exist in a vacuum. The campaign featured posters and other collateral for hospitals, as well as a Facebook page where videos were converted into social ads. 

Media outreach drew the public’s attention, as did infographics and other content. Ultimately the campaign delivered the results desired: The legislature backed off the proposed cut. 

Today, the campaign continues as a rallying point for Oklahomans seeking a more permanent resolution to the healthcare crisis. 

For incorporating interactivity into a thorough media strategy, congrats to Karen Wicker, Ally Glavas, Larisha Hunter and Alex Joseph.

The PESO Model© was created by Spin Sucks

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