Lead Generation

Lead generation campaign adds $4 million to Ingredion EMEA’s sales pipeline

B2B campaign focused on how people eat rather than the flavors they like.


Ingredion helps food producers formulate more attractive products, and supplies the starches used to manufacture a variety of foods, from tortilla chips to yogurt. Getting the attention of companies developing and producing consumer food products is no easy task. So it took a genuinely innovative idea to win Ingredion first place in the “Lead Generation” category of PR Daily’s 2018 Content Marketing Awards.

The goal was to produce leads resulting in sales worth 10 times the cost of the campaign. Working with marketing communications agency Stein IAS, Ingredion focused on how people eat rather than the flavors that appeal to them. This new approach drew on research that divided people into four eating styles: crunchers, chewers, smooshers and suckers.

The company’s own research identified how many people from each category lived in key European markets, then correlated those findings with food groups like tortilla chips, pizza, and yogurt. The campaign, which aimed to inspire new approaches to selling food based on sensory characteristics, began with the “Ultimate Crisp Experience” video, which the company promoted via the web, traditional public relations, social media and email marketing.

The video was followed by a series of content, including a report, “Eating Styles: The Complete Guide to our Unexpressed Love of Food” this attracted 16 pieces of premier European media coverage and helped the campaign achieve ROI that doubled the campaign’s goal of 10:1.

View More Content Marketing Awards 2018 Winners.

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