Agency with health care focus guides clients on brand journalism journey
Founded by former journalists, MediaSource is well positioned to assist hospitals in the shift to content marketing.

A content-focused PR agency specializing helping health care organizations adopt a brand journalism approach to their communications, MediaSource was founded by former journalists—putting the agency in a unique position to guide clients who recognize the need to update their old PR and marketing philosophies to a content-centered brand journalism approach. MediaSource’s approach and successes have earned it the Grand Prize in the “Health Care Agency/Team” category of Ragan’s 2016 Health Care PR and Marketing Awards.
Working with hospitals and other healthcare organizations, MediaSource established project goals centered around three core outcomes:
- Increase national exposure
- Improve national reputation and credibility
- Increase patient volume.
MediaSource’s structure is one reason the agency succeeds in these projects. Rather than take the traditional PR approach of account managers and generalists, MediaSource has content creation teams and media relations teams, both of which focus on the healthcare consumer as the target audience.
The agency’s newsroom mentality involves assigning team members to client “beats,” which are often a hospital’s service lines (a team member could be assigned the cancer beat or the childbirth beat, for example). The media relations strategy focuses on newsjacking, increasing the content’s appeal to journalists.
As a result of these efforts, MediaSource has reached an audience of nearly 28 billion for its top seven clients, placing nearly 20,000 articles and leading to nearly 3,000 new patients.
Congratulations to Lisa Arledge Powell, Clark Powell, Shannon McCormick, Jerred Ziegler, Robert Leitch, Kevin Volz, Garry Checki, Kelly Stincer, Colleen O’Morrow, Drew Schaar, Kristina Feduik, Rocky Sanguinetti and Lisa Renee Martyn.
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