Best New Website

Levick sets tone of trust with a clean, comprehensive online presence

The crisis communications agency puts forth faces, names, and a sense of confidence and purpose in a website that reflects its recent rebranding effort. PR Daily’s 2012 Digital PR and Social Media Awards were presented by Synaptic Digital. Learn more about Synaptic Digital here (pdf).

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Almost weekly these days, some organization or another goes into crisis communication mode. 

Social media—with its breadth and immediacy—is as great a threat to branding as it is a marvel of modern-day convenience. A company’s reputation can be lost in an online wildfire—if wildfires could spread as far and as fast as damaging words do.

A crisis is no time for panic, though. It’s a time for savvy stewardship. But whose?

In combing the Internet for a strong, reliable voice, officers of a company will come upon myriad crisis PR presences. They will find one that’s striking yet smart at, the winner for Best New Website in PR Daily’s Digital PR & Social Media Awards.

Right up front, visitors to the site will see a black-and-white photo of a Levick executive; immediately the company has a face—and not a dry, corporate mug shot, but an engaging portrait.

There’s an arrow to activate a short (less than a minute) video that includes images of recent disasters and subsequent crises of confidence (think BP and AIG). Its slogan, “Communicating trust,” prevails as a theme throughout.  

Within the site, more portraits show the faces of the company, consistently reinforcing a motif of putting potential customers in touch with real people. As one clicks through the superbly organized site, one finds available categories covering case studies, experience, and insights, as well as fields such as public affairs, financial communication, and litigation.

At almost every turn is a button to click to access the specialist in that area of crisis comms. All contact information is available immediately; you can learn who’s who within minutes. 

All the tabs and pull-down menus are clear and comprehensive. They’re also quick. When you haven’t a nanosecond to lose, such speed is crucial. If you’re scouting for the sake of preparedness, the attention to detail offers assurance.

The website was overhauled as part of Levick’s larger branding. It certainly has put its best faces forward. Our congratulations for offering a how-to in website design.

To peruse the site, visit

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