‘Being green’ gets easier with help from this video
Verne Global emphasizes sustainable energy use with a little help from a classic song.

When Verne Global, a developer of energy-efficient data center campuses, set out to tackle the fast-growing problems surrounding the rising cost and unpredictability of energy, the company enlisted the help of the Muppets—specifically, the lighthearted song “It’s Not Easy Being Green,” made popular by Kermit the Frog. The resulting animated video highlights important facts and messages about the environmental impact of data centers, and won first place for Best Animated Video in PR Daily’s 2013 Video Awards.
The two-minute video features a child’s voice singing along to a piano with crayon-drawn images of such environmental challenges as shrinking ice caps, rising energy demands, and the role of data centers in power consumption. It also presents Verne Global’s approach to the problem: an environmentally friendly, competitively priced data center campus harnessing only renewable energy sources, located in Keflavik, Iceland.
To reach the targeted audience of IT leaders, data center operators, and other influential decision makers, Verne Global spread the video as widely as possible through its social media channels, including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn, as well as online communities and user groups like GreenTech Media and the Green Data Center Alliance. In 90 days, the video was viewed more than 7,000 times across a range of social platforms. Additionally, the views garnered more than 120 new Facebook followers; the video was also a top 10 referral traffic link for the Verne website from November 2013 to January 2014.
Score up a win for these energetic producers: Lisa Rhodes, Verne Global; Ken Chow, Froth Curve Marketing; and Asher Warren, 15four, Inc.
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