Video infographic earns global media coverage for organization
An accountancy association in Canada earned thought-leader status by creating a video infographic on youth unemployment that landed major media coverage.

There is no better way to bore an audience than to recite a long list of statistics.
Most of us (hopefully) don’t want to bore our audiences, yet we need to clue them in to certain industry trends, research, or information. While it seems like a challenge, there is a way to marry the two seemingly opposed ideas. The communications team at the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada, CGA-Canada, figured out how.
For its work in successfully showcasing information about youth unemployment in a video infographic, the communications team at CGA-Canada earned first place in the Best Video Infographic category of PR Daily’s 2013 Video Awards.
The goal of the video infographic was to position CGA-Canada as a thought leader and valuable source of information about public policy. The infographic accomplished this by showcasing interesting information with compelling animation and graphics that add to understanding.
CGA-Canada posted the infographic on its corporate website and social media channels, and promoted it on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. The graphic earned CGA-Canada extensive media coverage in major industry publications, as well as global media outlets like The Huffington Post and The Globe and Mail.
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