College offers four-year free ride for the best tweet

The University of Iowa’s Tippie School of Management is asking prospective students to submit a tweet instead of a second essay. Critics say the school is focusing on ‘a fad.’

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“The university is asking prospective students to submit a 140-character tweet in place of a second essay,” reports USA Today. “The University of Iowa is joining several others in its attempt to make students get to the point quickly and to improve their social media skills—two qualities that today’s Twitter-savvy marketplace demands.”

The winner will grab a $37,000 scholarship to the university’s business school. The deadline is July 28.

“We want [applicants] to show us more about themselves,” Jodi Schafer, the Tippie School of Management’s director of recruiting and admissions told the Iowa Press-Citizen. “This would give us a lot more depth and show us more about a candidate than an essay would show.”

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