Communicators, are you confusing these verbal cousins?
Are you assuming or presuming? Ensuring or insuring? Sometimes it can be confusing. Here are how you can be certain you’re using the right term.

• All public relations pros, except those who are very old school, accept the influence of social media. We expect it to be part of our planning now.
2. Affect and Effect Affect is a verb meaning “to influence.” Effect is a noun meaning “result.” When used as a verb, effect means “to cause.”
• PR campaigns affect the media in various ways. Understanding is a natural effect of clear communication.
3. Assume and Presume; Assumption and Presumption Assume means (1) to take upon oneself; to take over duties and responsibilities; or (2) to take for granted or without proof. Presume means (1) to take for granted or without proof; or (2) to undertake without permission.
• We’ve all attended social functions where someone seems to know it all and makes the assumption that people enjoy hearing his vast input. We cannot make the presumption that he will stop talking on his own, unless we have been in his company before and know this is true.
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