Do you fit one of these 8 PR personality types?
Experienced PR pros may just recognized these characters in their co-workers, or even themselves.
I’ve been in the public relations business long enough to know there are quite a few different types of PR personalities. Of course, each individual has a set of unique characteristics and idiosyncrasies that make that person unlike anyone else. Still, it’s funny how, regardless of where I’ve been, whether consulting or in-house at a large corporation or a small or large non-profit, there are communications stock characters everywhere.
Check out the below eight categories I’ve encountered. Do you fit one of these?
1. The lifestyle lady. This is the gal (or guy) who giggles a lot and has lots of ideas that center on women’s lifestyle magazines. She has a few contacts with “Today” show producers and is all about products. She tends to carry around a magical “Mary Poppins” purse that contains remedies for any given situation. She’s got foundation to cover those blemishes for the pop-up TV interview, a golf umbrella to cover her client for the pop-up thunderstorm and no less than three electronic devices that she’s juggling at any given moment, all of which have distinct ringtones from 1980s cartoon theme songs.
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