Edelman earns No. 2 spot on list of best corporate cultures
Glassdoor sifted through its users’ rankings of employers and found that the PR firm is second only to Twitter.

Unlike other agencies that say they support work-life balance and value their employees as their top asset, Edelman actually does both of these things in practice. Through the actions of middle to senior management, you are truly made to feel valued and appreciated. Opportunities are everywhere and the culture is laid back and fun.
That’s under the “Pros” heading. The only con the executive lists is that pay at Edelman may be slightly lower than that at competing firms. Edelman is the only PR firm on the list of 25 companies. The rest of the list includes quite a few tech companies (Facebook, Riverbed, CDW, Apple), two grocery stores (H E B, Wegmans), and two insurance companies (Progressive, USAA), among others. Perhaps the most surprising company to appear on the list is Chick-fil-A, the fast-food chain that battled its own PR woes in 2012. Its No. 7 ranking seems to prove that employee perception and public perception are two very different things. Here are the top 10:
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