Etsy, Netflix, Funny or Die and more fight for net neutrality
Many organizations are offering website visitors the chance to support an internet where all content is delivered at the same speed. Even service provider AT&T has joined the battle.

Net neutrality essentially guarantees an egalitarian internet, where all content is served to users at the same speed.
If former Verizon lawyer and current FCC chairman Ajit Pai gets his way, net neutrality will disintegrate in favor of a World Wide Web where sites that pay big bucks to internet service providers are loaded at lightning speed while others that don’t have the means to compete will crawl.
That’s why organizations including Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, Yelp, Funny or Die, Etsy, Reddit and even Pornhub are coming together again to defend net neutrality.
Today has been dubbed the “Battle for the Net,” and many websites will feature pop ups that “show what the web will look like without net neutrality.” It’s meant to stimulate a slowed browsing experience, but instead of blocking users or forcing them to upgrade their plans to use the sites, you’ll have the opportunity to send an email to the FCC and Congress in support of net neutrality.
Some organizations, such as Netflix, are also spreading the word through social media:
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