Facebook Live flubs Obama interview stream
Facebook glitches are probably not uncommon, but users rarely see them. That wasn’t the case this week when its live-streaming function crashed during a pretty important sit-down.
Buzzfeed’s disastrous Facebook Live interview with President Obama can be summed up in a single tweet:
…and that concludes @BuzzFeed‘s Facebook Live interview with the president https://t.co/CH1BwUY4vQ pic.twitter.com/fDY0gfMy0Q
— Michele Gorman (@mrich1201) May 16, 2016
The media relations/marketing plan was simple, though possibly a bit ambitious: Chris Geidner would film an interview with the president about his Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland. It would be streamed on Facebook Live, and tons of people would theoretically tune in. RELATED: The Employee Communications, PR and Social Media Summit at Microsoft HQ!
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