Home Depot pulls ‘Scary Peeper Creeper’ from Canada stores
A spokesman for the company said the Halloween decoration ‘is not in line with [Home Depot’s] core values,’ despite its creators’ calling it just ‘a fun-spirited prank.’

It’s not Halloween season unless there’s a spate of stores—online and brick-and-mortar alike—that are forced to remove offensive costumes and decorations from their shelves.
Disney was the first culprit of the season. Now Home Depot, with its Scary Peeper Creeper, is joining the ranks.
Fortune described the decoration:
The Halloween window decoration, which is meant to represent a “peeping Tom,” is “perfect for scaring friends and family during Halloween or any other time of the year,” according to its description on Home Depot’s website.
The decoration has suction cups for mounting on a window, and costs $29. It features a creepy looking, hooded man peering through a window with furrowed brows, and a full-sized head, face, and hands. The decoration is meant to look realistic.
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