How a CEO can make or break a brand
Australian airline Qantas is in trouble and the public image of its CEO, Alan Joyce, isn’t helping. Here are four questions that can help explain why.

1. Good sense (phronesis) 2. Good moral character (arête) 3. Good will towards the audience (eunoia)
I think there’s a fourth item: a good reputation. We can use these four ideas to understand why Alan Joyce is unpopular and negatively affecting the Qantas brand. His interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s “7:30” was the latest in a long line of interviews where he came across as defensive and cold. Watch the video below and think about the following four questions:
1. What was his reputation before the interview? 2. Does he make a good argument? 3. Does he communicate leadership and passion? 4. Does he do a good job of acknowledging the feelings of the listener?
Let’s deal with the questions one at a time. 1. What was his reputation before the interview? To understand why Alan Joyce is suffering from poor credibility and authority, here’s a quick background:
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